Friday, January 8, 2010

Not off to a great start, but today's a new day

So I wanted to blog three times a week. This is my first post this week. And it's only the first full week of the year. At least I have a plan for tomorrow's post and then I can try again next week. Part of this is due to trying to spend time with my grandparents (I just moved in with them) rather than sit on the computer all night and part of it is due to a reading lull. I hadn't read at all in 2010 except for this evening when I read all of Welcome to the Jungle, which I'll be posting about tomorrow.

I did go to Barnes & Noble after work today though. I only bought one book (and coffee) while I was there. Audrey Niffenegger's The Time Traveler's Wife was high on my "want to read right now" list and I had to return my copy to the library before I could get more than 25 pages in. Also, my childhood best friend is reading it right now and I love being able to talk about books with her. So that was the first part of my Christmas present (purchased with gift card).

The second part of my Christmas present isn't a book, and I'm sad to say that my B&N gift cards are completely used up at this point. However, I am expecting to receive the first six seasons of NCIS in the mail (season 7 is on TV now) sometime next week. I got them for somewhere around 43% of the list price, which is why I decided now was the time to act and get all of it. I am very excited about this. :)

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